But wait! Should you be snooping around here? Perhaps. What are your intentions? Are you seeking to learn what makes things tick so that you can use it to your own advantage, selfishly and maliciously so? Then may you get what you deserve, tripping and falling over your own misunderstandings and misapplications of information. However, if, instead, you’re seeking wisdom to gain clarity over inner and outer workings, profoundly and extensively reflecting, may you have a marvelous descent and ascent in and out of what composes everything, growing as you do.
The items available could cause the spark you need to set flight or swim through what you know, consciously or not. It is most recommended to use them to stir up your mind, your heart, and your spirit, where many secrets still hide.
Best practices include:
• Asking contemplative questions.
• Pondering how the answers fit.
• Considering hidden, double, or multiple meanings.
• Taking into account context and proportion.
• Noting the limitations of the current item to communicate accurately.
Worst practices include:
• Being extremely literal and failing to interpret figuratively.
• Blindly believing what you’re shown or told.
• Expecting exact future forecasts as if it’s not at least partly in your hands.
• Expecting exact past evidence as if it’s not required to be proved.
• Overrelying on divination rather than exercising your own data-gathering and reasoning abilities.
Furthermore, rather than seeking insight, you could use the items for creative purposes. Are you writing a story and you’re hitting a wall? Or maybe you have so many options, all equally valid, that you’re not sure which to choose? And maybe you just wish to give up control and let it take you where you wouldn’t have imagined? That can be done. And it’s actually a more encouraged use.
Rewarding practices include:
• Getting an ending to work towards.
• Getting a plot twist when it gets dull or stagnant.
• Getting background details that could explain more of what is happening.
WARNING! If you start getting scattered, significantly losing focus, it is probably time to ground yourself in reality. Take a moment to get back in touch with what is undeniable or is a more pressing matter. Reduce, take a break from, or, if severe enough, cease your use of divination.